Preparing for Spring SOAR Orientation: A Checklist for Students

Spring SOAR Orientation is the University of Evansville's condensed orientation program for freshmen entering in the spring, transfer students, re-entry students, and non-traditional adult students who enter the university. Every new student must attend an orientation program. Fall entry only: SOAR is required for incoming freshmen and recommended for all incoming students under age 21; any incoming student may register for and attend SOAR.

  • Spring SOAR Orientation registration: Reserve your spot for Spring SOAR Orientation by completing the registration form on the student portal. Student fees for Spring SOAR Orientation are covered out of your enrollment deposit. If you have questions about the Spring SOAR Orientation registration process, please contact the Center for Student Engagement at 812-488-2371.

  • Housing Application and Meal Plan selection: Complete your housing application and meal plan selection online through UE Online Tools. Deposited students are eligible to sign up for campus housing. If you need assistance, please contact Residence Life at 812-488-2956.

  • Class registration for your first semester: You will receive additional information from Academic Services regarding getting registered for classes. Expect an academic advisor to reach you by phone or email to begin the pre-registration process before you attend Spring SOAR Orientation. For those students who do not have the opportunity to pre-register, advising and scheduling will occur during the Spring SOAR Orientation program.

  • Health Requirements: The Indiana Department of Health requires that certain immunization records be on file with the University Health Center. Information about the required immunizations and physical exam will be emailed to all deposited students and is available on the Health Center’s website.

    • Make an appointment for a physical and get your Health Information completed. It is recommended to have your health information completed before Spring SOAR Orientation to allow time for the health center to assure that all required information is complete. If you are unable to meet this deadline, please remember complete information must be on file before the first day of classes or your class registration may be cancelled. If you need to reach the Health Center, please call 812-488-2033.

  • Parking Permits: Parking permits will be distributed to students who are enrolled full-time for the Spring 2025 semester at no additional cost. You will need to register your vehicle through UE Self-Service. Part-time students (less than 12 hours) will be charged $50 for a parking permit. We can help you with this during the orientation program if needed.

  • MyUE Portal: You will use Student Self-Service for many student functions while you are a student a UE. You can check your bill, registration, and housing through the portal at Your information for accessing MyUE and Self-Service are in your UE Online Tools email.

  • Disability Services: If you have any required accommodations, please contact our Disability Services Coordinator, Debbie Brenton, at 812-488-2663.